The earth is where we live. It’s the only planet that we know that can support life. Earth is our only home. Its destruction is our destruction.
The onset of industrial revolution marked the beginning of the humungous environmental damage that humans intentionally and unintentionally caused. The damage has been most rapid for the past two decades. Now, we reap the fruits of our lack of concern. Climate change is no longer a theoretical discussion but a reality.
Since its first endorsement at the UN in 1987, sustainable development has been an international concern. Sustainable development is said to have three components: environment, society and economy. We believe that it means new technologies and new ways of doing business, which allow us to improve quality of life today in all economic, environmental, and social dimensions, without impairing the ability of future generations to enjoy quality of life and opportunity at least as good as ours. Human rights community says that sustainability is attainable through and supported by peace, justice, and democracy.
As the concept of sustainable development was discussed and formulated, it became apparent that EDUCATION is the key to sustainability. Generally, RESEARCH shows that basic education is the key to a nation’s ability to develop and achieve sustainable targets. Every nation will need to reexamine curriculums at all levels. Basic literacy must be coupled with environmental literacy, economics literacy and civics.
In the quest to make education the forefront of sustainable development, emerges the idea that it can be best done with the use of research. Good researches can only be achieved hand in hand with a good statistical analysis. Thus, STATISTICS is a sure leverage of Education for Sustainable Development.
In our pursuit to protect and rehabilitate of our Mother Earth we can count on statistics and each other.